Academic Excellence
Back the Braid Scholarship
Back the Braid Scholarship
Back the Braid Scholarship fund raises awareness for Native American youth who are impacted by cultural discrimination and brings into focus the importance of cultural acceptance and belonging into schools. Thank you for your interest in applying for the Back the Braid Scholarship. There are two opportunity cycles to apply for the scholarship throughout the year, with North Carolina Native American Youth Organization (NCNAYO) and United Tribes of North Carolina. During each of the cycles, the application requirements and process remains the same. A total of $40,000 in scholarship funds will be awarded each year, in the form of eight $5,000 scholarships each year. The goal is to award four scholarships during the NCNAYO Conference and four scholarships during the NC Unity Conference. The inaugural donor to the Scholarship Fund is April Patrick, CEO of Hero Staffing, a member of the Karuk, Yurok and Waccamaw Siouan tribes. This would not be possible without her support and dedication to funding the next generation. Thank You to the Waccamaw Siouan Tribe, North Carolina Native American Youth Organization, United Tribes of North Carolina and every family that has experienced cultural discrimination.
Back the Braid Scholarship was founded to help invest in the future of American Indian youth and raise awareness for some of the hardships faced by boys with braids in our school system. Many times, their outward expression and resiliency of our culture is not widely accepted by their peers and school administrators. To learn more about why this is important, click here and here at the National Indian Education Association.
Click here for an overview of the Back the Braid Scholarship Fund Application.
Click here if you would like to be a part of making a difference, by donating to the scholarship fund.

Review the Back the Braid Scholarship Fund Application Overview
Here you will learn the timeline, qualifications and what is required to apply.

Support Back the Braid Scholarship Fund
Be apart of the change and help support Native Youth in education.
ICP-TEAMS Educational Platform Program
The Waccamaw Siouan STEM Studio has teamed up with ICP-TEAMS, which stands for Individual College Planning in Technology, Engineering, Art, Math, and Science. It is an individual college planning company that specializes in the STEAM concepts. Founded in 2013 by Margaret Dawkins as private supplemental education company. She saw the vision of having a well-rounded program and beginning with the end in mind. They are more than just college planning or tutoring. They have multiple services that we use to push each student to the best of his or her ability.
Click here to learn more about the free benefits you will receive through this program when you apply for access.
Phase I
Access to ICP-TEAMS Platform, Content and Resources
Click Here to request access to ICP-Teams and receive your login.
Waccamaw Siouan Tribe enrollment is required.
Phase II
Pilot Virtual Tutoring Option
Phase III
In-Person Tutoring Option